Design Lab: Green Innovation and the Circular Economy

The Exchange Twickenham 75 London Road, Twickenham, England, United Kingdom

We invite South London businesses and residents to join us to discuss green innovation and circular economy practices.We are moving toward Net Zero – lower emissions and less climate impact. But we need to do it faster!The world still largely operates on the ‘linear economy’ model – sometimes known as ‘take-make-discard’ – where raw materials […]


Design Lab: Future Skills and Green Skills Gaps

The Exchange Twickenham 75 London Road, Twickenham, England, United Kingdom

We invite South London businesses and residents to join us to find solutions to address skills gaps across the region.Kingston University’s Future Skills League Table 2022 Report demonstrates that there are concerns about the economic security of the UK, and the skills of its future workforce. Moreover, climate change and carbon reduction raise pressing challenges […]
