Cajuu is an ethically sourced premium snack brand, importing high quality Tanzanian cashews for a range of products. We were excited to work with founder Habil Ibrahim on his ambitions for the business, which has grown rapidly over the past 18 months. Habil’s vision includes strong values which will result in several positive social outcomes – aside from a commitment to fair payment for farmers in Tanzania, he has also recently moved to get rid of plastic packaging from all products, and is exploring the potential to repurpose waste materials from his supply chain to create new and innovative products.

The Challenge: Cajuu came to us looking for support with their social media, content and digital marketing. Habil had successfully built a strong consumer brand on Instagram, and needed a strategy to continue that growth, as well as developing its B2B marketing to the hospitality and retail sector. He was also interested in exploring social advertising for his e-commerce store.

Our Solution: We recommended using 12 hours of funded consultancy courtesy of the European Regional Development Fund to work on a Social Media Audit and Content Marketing Strategy. PR and Communications Advisor Joseph Bradfield and Catalyst Project Manager Eva Poliszczuk met with Habil to understand Cajuu’s positioning in the market and plans for the future, before pulling analytics from the company’s profiles on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn and comparing them with competitors as a benchmark.

They compiled the data into a report examining each of these three channels in detail, with recommendations on how to employ each as part of the marketing mix. The final section of the report included suggestions for future content, digital advertising campaigns and a schedule to help manage marketing resource and priorities.

The Outcome: The report has provided Cajuu with a clear plan of action for their B2B and B2C digital marketing, including organic content and social advertising, which is now being delivered by the company’s digital marketing lead.

“Joseph and Eva were a great team, with a fantastic attitude and a wealth of knowledge and insight! The report was full of valuable recommendations that we are now implementing as part of our digital strategy.” – Habil Ibrahim, founder, Cajuu

What’s Next? The team is eager to continue working with Cajuu, this time on its funding and investment strategy as it plans to raise the finance for developing a range of new and innovative products in 2020/21.

Are you looking for insights into making your social media and content work harder for you? Or can we help with anything else, from market research to business models, investor readiness to bookkeeping? Get in touch here.