As we welcome more businesses back to the workplace in the coming weeks and months, you might notice a few new faces on the Sussex Innovation team – as well as some familiar faces in unfamiliar roles! Here’s a quick rundown of the changes, and where you’ll find everyone:
– With Claire Pasquill moving to become our new Brighton Centre Director, Simon Chuter will be taking interim charge of our consultancy programmes while we recruit a new Head of Innovation & Consultancy. Whatever consultancy or support you need, Simon is your first port of call to scope a new project involving our team.
– Simon will also continue to manage our Catalyst Team of graduates, but his second-in-command Eva Poliszczuk has moved on to pastures new. Our new Catalyst Project Manager is Kelly McDonald, who will be joining us permanently after a successful year as one of the team. Kelly can help you find the right person for the job when you need an extra pair of hands on a one-off or temporary basis.
– We have appointed Neema Amin as our new Business & Investment Readiness Consultant – if you’re planning to raise funds in the near future, talk to Neema about getting your business plan, financial models and pitch into shape.
Charlotte Ryder has joined us as a Management Accountant, taking over from Jon Woodward who recently left the finance team for a new challenge. If Jon was your point of contact for accounts, bookkeeping and payroll, you can expect to hear from Charlotte around month end.
– Daisy Wood has moved north to take the reins as our Croydon Centre Manager. Any enquiries to do with Daisy’s former role as Community and Events Manager in Falmer should be directed to the Reception team while we manage this transition.
We’re still recruiting for a few more key positions, so watch this space for further updates.