As the kids start to return to school and we mark the end of summer 2024, it is safe to say many of us are feeling the effects of our post-holiday blues.

Whether you jetted off abroad or took leave for a long weekend at home, getting back into the swing of things and regaining momentum after being away from work can be tough. The dreaded inbox catch-up and the Monday morning rush can definitely feel like it’s weighing heavy.

But, not to worry – this experience is not uncommon. A recent survey conducted by Reed revealed that 78% of UK workers found returning to work stressful after a period of time off. In fact, only 13% felt relaxed or energised ahead of their first day back.

Though bursting the holiday bubble can feel like a shock to the system, there are some simple tips and tricks to put into practice to help ease your way back into work and boost productivity:

1. Understand your productivity golden hours: Making note of when you feel most energised and motivated throughout the day can really help when scheduling for productivity – especially after coming back from holiday. By scheduling your day based on your energy levels, you may find it easy to fall back into your working routine and get those ‘harder to shift’ tasks out of the way early.

2. Block task-specific focus time into your schedule⁠: By dividing your day into multiple sections, you can work more methodically, prioritise tasks, and avoid distraction. It can also help you allocate more focused time for urgent tasks by preventing surface-level multitasking between different activities. For example, a great starting point for returning to work is setting aside time to catch up on emails. This allows you to address urgent messages, plan your week, and alleviate the stress of an overwhelming inbox. However, don’t be tempted to spend all day answering emails – block out the time and hold yourself accountable!

3. Carry a piece of your holiday back into the working week: Bringing a small part of your holiday, such as a themed lunch, treats for your team, or a desk decoration, is an enjoyable way to ease back into work whilst also reflecting on your time off. Having small reminders of your holiday is a great way to boost your mood and create a positive work environment.

4. Take a break! Plan short breaks between tasks: Taking a break between tasks can enable you to recharge and process information. It has been found that taking small breaks between activities can reduce the risk of decision fatigue and help you maintain more consistent performance levels. This is especially important when returning to work – many feel out balance with their normal routine, and taking breaks can help make the transition back into the working day easier.

5. Refresh your desk space: Whether you are working from home or in the office, keeping your space clean and tidy is really important for creating positive and productive work environment. A clutter-free workspace not only removes the potential for distraction, but helps boost mental clarity, creativity, and concentration.

6. Communicate with your team: Effective communication with your team prior to your leave and when returning is crucial when planning for an easy return to work. By speaking with your team early, you can get up to speed on new projects, delegate tasks, and ensure that urgent matters are addressed. For example, coordinating with your team to handle incoming emails while you’re away can not only help maintain your team’s comms efficiency, but it also lightens your workload upon returning to office.

Whatever your plans for the rest of the year, September is the ideal time to get your strategy in place. Get in touch to speak with our consultancy team and find out more about how we can support your ambitions for 2024 and beyond.