Over the next few weeks, businesses from all over Sussex will be preparing their applications for the 36th annual Sussex Business Awards. Held every year at the start of December, the SBAs bring together the best innovators, leaders and entrepreneurs in the region for a night of celebration. Once again, Sussex Innovation will be there this year, in our role as sponsors of the award for Gamechanger of the Year.

Winning regional or industry-specific awards can have a transformative impact on your business. If you’ve never thought about entering, here’s why taking part can make a difference.

Why Business Awards Matter

  • Brand Recognition – the biggest initial barrier to success for small businesses often involves getting people’s attention. Regional awards offer an opportunity to put your business on the map within your local community. Simply getting nominated creates a platform to showcase your brand to a wider audience, spreading your name to potential customers, partners or investors.
  • Credibility and Trust – consumers are more likely to choose businesses they know and trust. As well as being a source of publicity, winning an award provides an external seal of approval that signals your company is respected and credible. Displaying award logos or certificates on your website, storefront, or marketing materials is a form of endorsement that can tip the scales in your favour when a customer is undecided.
  • Networking Opportunities – being on a regional award shortlist can open the door to valuable networking opportunities. A variety of leaders from across the business and public sector are brought together by award ceremonies and judging panels, enabling you to connect with local influencers, build relationships, and learn from others in your community. Networking on this scale can lead to collaborations, partnerships, or even new business leads.
  • Marketing and PR – awards offer a ready-made PR opportunity, with free media coverage in local newspapers, business magazines and radio. Leveraging your win as part of your marketing strategy can also help to generate buzz and start conversations across your other marketing channels for weeks and months to come.

How to Write a Successful Award Application

Now that we’ve seen some of the benefits of entering, let’s talk about how to create a winning application. Crafting a strong submission requires time, strategy, and attention to detail. Here are a few important tips to help yours stand out:

1. Choose the Right Award to Enter

Not every award will be a perfect fit for your business, so take the time to research and identify those that align with your goals. Within every awards programme, there will be specific categories that are more relevant to your business and what you do well, increasing your chances of success and the benefits to your brand reputation. For example, maybe you offer exceptional customer service, have launched an innovative product, or have grown your business internationally – enter awards that enable you to stand apart from your competitors.

2. Understand the Criteria

Before you begin writing, carefully review the award criteria. Each award will have specific evaluation points that judges are looking for, so make sure your application directly addresses these areas. Failing to tailor your responses to the award’s specific criteria can undermine your chances. For a regional award entry, highlight how your business fits within the local context and meets the needs of your community.

3. Tell a Compelling Story

Judges want to connect with the human side of your business. When writing your application, recall the narrative of your journey, the challenges you’ve overcome, and why you do what you do. Let your passion and purpose shine through. A well-told story can make your application deeply memorable and compelling.

4. Back Up Your Claims

While storytelling is important, make sure you substantiate your claims with concrete examples and hard data that demonstrate your impact and why you deserve to be recognized. Whether it’s revenue growth, customer testimonials, or community impact, offering statistics and evidence lends credibility to your application.

5. Proofread and Edit Thoroughly

Finally, don’t let a poorly written application hold you back. Proofreading and editing are crucial steps in ensuring your submission is polished and professional, reflecting the care and attention you put into your business. Consider having a colleague, mentor, or trusted advisor review your application to provide feedback and help refine your submission.

If you’d like to see some of the recognition and visibility that a business award can bring, why not enter this year’s Sussex Business Awards and join Sussex Innovation at the regional business community’s biggest celebration? The deadline for entries is on September 18th, with judging taking place throughout October before finalists are announced on October 30th. Find out more and get your application in here.

And if you need some support writing and preparing your award submission, get in touch to find out more about how our advisors can help identify and tell a compelling story about your business.