[Croydon] Members’ Portal: Introduction and Training Workshop

Sussex Innovation Croydon 12-16 Addiscombe Road, Croydon, England, United Kingdom

We're hosting induction and training workshop sessions to help you familiarise yourself with the new Sussex Innovation Members' Portal. Get to know our new Sussex Innovation Members' Portal and the benefits for you team! We will be hosting a series of induction and training workshop sessions to help you familiarise yourself with the new Sussex […]


Netwalking: In and around Lewes

Depot Pinwell Road, Lewes, England, United Kingdom

.Netwalking is back! Stroll into the start of spring as we walk, talk and explore Lewes.Starting at the Depot Cafe, we’ll walk through the walled gardens and out onto railway land, discovering ancient ruins, rusty buildings and Sussex's oldest independent brewery. Plus, hear about the restoration of the Winterbourne chalk stream.Our guide will be Simon […]

£20.00 - £25.00

Bromley – People, Planet, Pastry

Greener and Cleaner High Street, Bromley, England, United Kingdom

Meet others interested in sustainability in your community, share local stories and ideas, and accelerate local climate action.People, Planet, PastryIf you’re interested or curious about sustainability, come along to the People, Planet, Pastry event to meet like-minded business owners who are taking action on sustainability. Learn about what is going on locally, share insights on […]


The Gambling Brain

University of Sussex Campus : Fulton A Lecture Theatre Fulton Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, United Kingdom

While many people who gamble enjoy the activity and find it rewarding, some individuals escalate their betting and continue to do so despite experiencing negative consequences. In this lecture, Dr Bryan Singer will introduce how the brain processes rewards and helps motivate us to act. He will then discuss what happens in the brain when a person gambles […]

Brighton and Hove – People, Planet, Pint: Sustainability Meetup

The Walrus 10 Ship Street, Brighton and Hove, England, United Kingdom

Pop down to your local People Planet Pint meetup to find more about what's going on locally with sustainability and how you can get involvedPop down to your local People Planet Pint meetup to find more about what's going on locally with sustainability and how you can get involved.No pitches, powerpoints or panels. Just People, […]


The 4 Day Week: How We Made It Work (& How It Could Work For You)

Sussex Innovation Science Park Square, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, United Kingdom

Find out more about the 4 Day Week and how it could work for your organisation from businesses who have already done it.Have you ever thought about trialling the 4 day week for your organisation? Join the UK’s leading quantitative researcher on the four-day week, Dr. Charlotte Rae, to find out more about how businesses […]


Mathematics of life: from epidemics to sex & Time-delayed systems: challenges and Opportunities

University of Sussex Campus : Fulton A Lecture Theatre Fulton Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, United Kingdom

Join Prof. Konstantin Blyuss and Prof. Yuliya Kyrychko, both from the Department of Mathematics, talking about "Mathematics of life: from epidemics to sex" and "Time-delayed systems: challenges and opportunities" respectively. Mathematics of life: from epidemics to sex In this talk, Prof. Konstantin Blyuss will show how mathematical models can provide fascinating new insights into biological phenomena surrounding us. With COVID-19 pandemic still […]

University of Sussex Business Angels – Pitch Event #3

Sussex Innovation Centre Science Park Square, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, United Kingdom

Join us at the University of Sussex Business Angels - Pitch Event, where investors will hear from 5 companies pitching for investment. University of Sussex Business Angels - Pitch Event Are you looking for a chance to invest in your Sussex community? Join us for the University of Sussex Business Angels - Pitch Event a […]


West Sussex Business Expo – 24th April 2024, Fontwell Park Racecourse

Fontwell Park Racecourse Fontwell Avenue, Fontwell, England, United Kingdom

Join hundreds of local businesses at the West Sussex Business Expo which is taking place on 24th April 2024 at Fontwell Park Racecourse Get inspired, network and connect with local businesses at the West Sussex Business Expo Join hundreds of local businesses at West Sussex's largest business show which is taking place on 24th April […]


Improving Inclusion: Watch Your Language with Watch This Sp_ce

Sussex Innovation Science Park Square, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, United Kingdom

Learn how to use language to create an inclusive work environment from equality, diversity, and inclusion experts Watch This Sp_ceIs miscommunication an issue in your organisation? 73% of employees in the UK have experienced workplace misunderstandings due to unclear communication; with 43% of employees witnessing or experiencing inappropriate language in the workplace.750,000 new words are […]


The LHC’s Precision Path to the Secrets of the Cosmos

University of Sussex Campus : Fulton A Lecture Theatre Fulton Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, United Kingdom

Since the discovery of the infamous Higgs boson in 2012 a large-scale campaign in search for hints for physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, and for particle explanations for Dark Matter has been sparked at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Such hints will first manifest as tiny variations with respect to Standard Model […]

gdb Networking at Ease at Ashdown Park Hotel

Ashdown Park Hotel & Country Club Wych Cross, Forest Row, England, United Kingdom

Network and build a range of business contacts, whilst enjoying a delicious three course lunch at this impressive venue.Networking at Ease, it’s networking… made easy.This event is all about making networking straight forward and enjoyable. With a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, Networking at Ease is designed to help you break the ice and connect with […]

Free - £47.50