The Innovation Masterclass is a full day of facilitated sessions designed to inspire SME owners who want to plan for the future and create new opportunities for their business, respond to cost of living and supply chain challenges, build a thriving team and workplace culture – or all three.
Working alongside likeminded business owners and founders, you’ll be challenged with strategies to develop and implement new ways of working, and offered expert advice and mentoring to help you find the most effective route forward for your company. These Innovation Masterclass sessions are rooted in research, insight and world-leading expertise from the University of Sussex Business School.
Event Schedule
9am – Arrival and Networking
9.30am – Welcome and Introductions
10am – The Search for Opportunity and the Business Model Canvas with Joseph Bradfield (Innovation Advisor)
In the face of rapidly changing market conditions, how do we look for new tactics, and decide which ones to pursue? Joseph shares the Business Model Canvas, a tool for assessing new business model ideas and understanding where real commercial opportunities lie.
11am – Lean Thinking with Fiona Bennett (Head of Finance and Systems)
Everyone needs help to manage rising prices, reduce waste and drive down costs for their business. Lean Thinking underpins many of the biggest start-up successes of the 21st century. Fiona shows how to apply this methodology and achieve more with less.
12pm – Lunch
1pm – Implementing Innovation with Fiona Bennett (Head of Finance and Systems)
How can you minimise risk and uncertainty while trying to do something new? Fiona shares advice on how to turn strategy and process to your advantage to move on quickly from failure and capitalise on success.
2.15pm Innovation and Sustainability with Maria Bedoya (Research and Insight Coordinator)
Building sustainable practices has become something that business owners can no longer afford to ignore. But facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge, what can small businesses do? Maria explains the simple steps we can all take to start protecting people and the planet, and plotting a practical route to net zero carbon.
3.15pm Leading and Managing Innovation with Monica Beckles (People and Performance Expert )
The need to manage change and be adaptive has been accelerated in the last two years. Change can be tricky but adapting to it is a priority for any company who wants to innovate new ways of working, processes or products. Monica’s workshop will help you to develop the leadership skills and culture to manage change and be more productive as a team.
4.15pm Goodbyes
Join the Innovation Masterclass if:
This programme is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.
Find out more here.